How to Create Custom Angus Data Spreadsheets

Creating a Sale Catalog Data Ready Spreadsheet

If you’ve ever needed to gather custom data for a sale project or even your own herd management, you know it can be a challenge to navigate through the online data platform to gather all of the information you need. Below are instructions of how to pull your own custom data from the American Angus Association website. Please note that the AAA only allows you to pull data on cattle enrolled in your account, you are not able to pull data on other Angus cattle. If you are in need of multiple breeders’ cattle information you’ll need each individuals log-in or you can submit an Excel spreadsheet with lot and registration numbers to the AAA for a custom data pull for a fee of $2/head.

Creating a Custom Animal Set 

1.     Create an Excel file with the registration and lot numbers of all cattle in the sale.
2.     Log-in to your AAA account
3.     Under “Animal Groups” select “Animal Set”
4.     Select “Create New Set” in the upper left of the page
5.     Fill out the page accordingly:
a.     First section, top of page:
                                               i.     Animal Set Name (i.e. Spring Bull Sale 2018)
                                             ii.     Folder: General (or any folder name you’ll remember to access later, can create a sale folder)
                                            iii.     Select “Include All Owners” within your account
b.     Then, go to the bottom of the page where you’ll see the option “Import a file of registration numbers.” Make sure your Excel file is saved according to their specifications, with only registration numbers (you’ll be able to use your initial format of the file with the registration and lot numbers later, so be sure to keep that version)
c.     Choose your file and then select “Submit”
6.     You’ve now created a custom animal set.

 Creating a Custom Animal Set
1.     Now select “Reports” in the top tab, then select “Interactive” > “Create Custom Animal Report”
2.     GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS AREA – Select “Animal Set,” locate the folder name you saved your animal set from the above process, then select your saved animal set.
3.     Below selecting “Animal Set” you’re able to select “Save Selections” and save it by using “Selection Name” allowing you to use the same data selection you’ll select next for future use, which you’d be able to select in the future by utilizing the drop down of “Display Selections”
4.     Also select “Excel Spreadsheet” which will populate an Excel file once you’ve completed the steps below.
5.     Under the DATA TO DISPLAY section, select all of the information needed in your catalog lot boxes, such as: registration number, complete 3 gen pedigree, EPDs, etc.
6.     After selecting all of the data you need pulled into an Excel file, scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Search”
7.     After selecting “Search” an Excel file should download to your computer.

 Formatting Your Final Excel File
1.     Now that you’ve created an Excel file with all of your needed data from the American Angus Association, open the file and sort the file by registration number.
2.     Then sort your initial Excel file with both the registration number and lot numbers into registration number order as well.
3.     Check to make sure both of your Excel files are in the same registration number order. Then copy and paste over the lot number column into your spreadsheet you created through the American Angus Association.
4.     Now you can sort your spreadsheet again in lot number order.
5.     With your file almost ready to send over for catalog set-up there are a few other pieces of information that you can include to help streamline the process and help eliminate error. One column can be added for footnotes (or if your footnotes are in bullet form, just label columns as bullet 1, bullet 2, etc. Any cattle that don’t have information for bullet 2 or 3, or no footnotes just leave blank). You can also create a column for information such as breeding information, consignor/owner, etc.
6.     Once all of your lot box data and information is contained into one Excel file, in lot order, it’s ready to submit.

Emily Brinkman

You work hard every day and I believe your marketing team should work hard for you too! Whether your business is six generations strong or just sprouting, in today's competitive market your brand has a story to tell.

Hi, I’m Emily, and I help beef industry brands stand out in a competitive market. Generation 6 Marketing was built on a vision to provide exceptional visual design services paired with mindful marketing plans to move businesses forward. I was raised as the sixth generation on a diverse farming operation and I know helping create your success today will play a role into writing your legacy for future generations.

Simply put, I help beef industry brands craft a visual identity and marketing tactics that connect with their audience, so you can focus on caring for cattle and the land.

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