Super Bowl Commercials for Seedstock Marketing
On Sunday night, February 13th, 2022, the Super Bowl LVI was hosted just outside of Los Angeles. Some may have watched it for the football, haft-time show, commercials, or just showed up for the grazing of food.
If you watched the commercials - rated as one of the most successful, which separated itself from the rest of the many eager companies needing to sell a product, was the Coinbase commercial. Why are you bringing this to my attention you may ask? Because Coinbase simplified their marketing with two strategies in mind.
Their only goal was to drive online users to their website
They removed the clutter of information and had only one type of a preferred communication source, a QR code.
This type of marketing strategy can easily be applied in seedstock marketing. Think about what your preferred source of communication with buyers is - calling, emailing, a website, etc., and let that be your single direction of communication used in each marketing piece.
A main source of communication is your company website - which should be built with intention. Your website needs to speak to your audience so it’s an effective employee that’s working 24/7. There are so many marketing possibilities and integrations that can help you stand out from the competition. Contact Emily, today about website design services!
Click to view a website sample: Niobrara Red Angus, designed by Generation 6 Marketing